Post-Storm Assessment & Important News

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We are profoundly grateful for God’s protective hand in once again shielding Shell Point from the worst of a storm. His mercy has spared our community from significant harm. Additionally, we extend heartfelt thanks to the dedicated Shell Point team, whose selfless commitment led them to be away from their own families to ensure the safety and well-being of our residents during this storm. Their sacrifice and devotion are deeply appreciated.

Thank you so much for your patience as we assessed the community. Here is your post-storm update.

Minimal Storm Surge
By the grace of God, the forecasted storm surge did not occur. We estimate about five feet of surge at Shell Point. There is no water intrusion in any homes or facilities.

Power Outages
The community is presently without electricity and Florida Power & Light is actively addressing the situation. Generators are providing power to the Larsen Medical Center, The Springs, Connected Living, and King’s Crown. Arbor residents will remain at Larsen pending transfer. Independent living units are all without power and special needs residents will remain sheltering at Larsen. While The Island Shelter will be empty and unstaffed this evening, generators will still power the building. The shelter outlets are available for phone charging and other essential usage. If you have evacuated, we will send an update when power is restored.

Traveling Around Campus
Shell Point Boulevard and all other community roadways are clear of large debris. There are no large areas of standing water and you are assured access to your home.

Multi-story buildings (more than two floors) are equipped with a life safety elevator powered by a generator. Shell Point teams are actively working to get these elevators up and running.

As anticipated, water came over the docks, but we are pleased to report that there is no significant damage. Our teams have assessed the area, and everything remains secure

Shelter Updates
Island Shelter – Buses are on campus to transport residents home and are awaiting Lee County’s powering of four lift stations. Once this is completed, residents will return home. Those who struggle with ambulation will be assisted or carried up stairs if elevators are inoperable.

Larsen Shelter – Connected Living residents have already returned home. As soon as full facility assessments are completed at King’s Crown and The Springs, these residents will also return home. As noted above, Arbor residents will temporarily remain at Larsen.

Care During Power Outages
Even those living independently can struggle without electricity, particularly air conditioning. Beginning tomorrow, we will conduct door-to-door wellness checks until power returns. Please drink lots of water and be sure to eat.

The medical center will open Friday. The pharmacy will be closed today and Friday. All other facilities, venues, restaurants, activities, and events will remain closed/canceled for today.

Future Updates
We will keep you updated as new information becomes available.