Memory Care as a Celebration of Personhood
Individuals with moderate to advanced memory loss, Alzheimer’s disease, and other dementias can rest easy knowing that Shell Point’s ongoing commitment to excellence in healthcare extends across all levels of the care continuum.
Connections Memory Support at Shell Point centers around a mission-guided celebration of personhood. It supports an individual’s unique strengths and abilities, allowing each to thrive in a robust, structured program that emphasizes relationship-based care, dynamic LifeQuest programming and the support of an interdisciplinary team of healthcare professionals.

Interdisciplinary Healthcare Team
From clinical psychologists to specially trained memory support specialists, Shell Point is well-prepared to meet a wide array of memory care needs. A customized staff training curriculum, approved by the Florida Department of Elder Affairs, provides hands-on guidance for clinical team members to support and guide residents with Alzheimer’s disease or related dementias. Staff are trained in meaningful engagement standards and Virtual Dementia sensitivity education, as well as the Best Friends Approach™ to communication.

Memory Management Services
Above all, Connections offers extensive resources, services and collaboration through clinical care, wellness goals and stimulating programming. Memory care is available to residents through Day Retreat Programs, Connected Living at The Springs, and Connected Living at The Larsen Health Center.
Program Cornerstones
- Relationship-Based Care
- Dynamic LifeQuest Programmming
- An Interdisciplinary Healthcare Team

Questions? Ask Us about Healthcare
Shell Point Residents: Connect with your assigned Healthy Living Coordinator for more personalized support.
Others: Please complete this form, and we will be happy to assist you.