Community Storm News

Storm Updates

Dining Venues Opening & Oktoberfest Concert News

As services continue to be restored around the community, we would like to share updates about on-campus dining options.

Shell Point Dining Updates
Lindy’s Cafe: Open today with normal hours 8 a.m to 2 p.m.
Island Cafe: Reopens Tuesday, Oct. 15 from 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., with a limited menu and daily specials.
Blend Cafe: Reopens Tuesday, Oct. 15 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. with a limited menu.
Vue: Reopens Tuesday, Oct. 15 from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. with a limited menu.
Palm Grill: Reopens Tuesday, Oct. 22 from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. featuring an updated fall menu.

Oktoberfest Concert Wednesday, Oct. 16
While the Palm Grill Oktoberfest buffet is canceled, please join us for a free concert on the Woodlands back deck at 6:30 p.m.

Power Returns to Shell Point & Important Announcements

Thank you for your patience, support, and understanding as we journeyed through this storm and recovery process together. We are grateful to God for His continued protection and guidance, and for the grace that has carried us through. We have wonderful news and important announcements this evening.

Power Returns – Air Conditioning & Hot Water
We are thrilled to share that power has been fully restored throughout Shell Point. As we work to bring all campus systems back online, please note that air conditioning and hot water will take several hours to be fully restored in all residences. Thank you for your continued patience as we complete this process.

Please Utilize the Call Center for Emergencies Only
With the sudden restoration of power, residents have numerous inquiries simultaneously. We’re here to assist, but kindly reserve calls for emergencies only for the next few hours. The current call volume is high, and we want to ensure that those with urgent concerns can reach our Call Center team.

Church Services Return on Sunday
The Village Church will return to its normal Sunday worship schedule. Please visit their website for worship schedule details.

Complimentary Takeout Continues
We understand that you need time to replenish your groceries, and it is our pleasure to continue providing complimentary takeout through Sunday evening. You can pick up meals from the second floor of The Island garage. As always, we’re happy to provide extras for your delivery to neighbors.

Takeout Meal Times
7:00 – 8:30 a.m.
12:00 – 1:30 p.m.
5:00 – 6:30 p.m.

Main Line Restoration Underway

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We understand the frustration and inconvenience caused by the ongoing power outage, and we truly appreciate your patience during this time.

Power Update
Florida Power & Light continues working to restore power to Shell Point. While repairs to the lines within our community are complete, the main line from the substation still requires attention. FPL has prioritized our community and is in direct contact with our team. Although they are unable to provide a time for the completion of these repairs, their crews are working around the clock to restore service as quickly as possible.

Power Remains Only Partially Restored

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Power is only partially restored at Shell Point. Eagles Preserve residents have electricity. Florida Power & Light crews remain in our area, and we are hopeful of restoration soon.

As a reminder, generators power all assisted living and senior living facilities and our Larsen Health Center. The second floor of The Island parking garage is available as a charging station and for essential power needs, and life safety elevators in multi-story buildings—those with more than two floors—are operational on generator power.

Power Restored at Eagles Preserve

Power Restored to Eagles Preserve
Florida Power and Light supports our Shell Point community through two separate power grids. Thankfully, electricity has been restored to Eagles Preserve residents today. We’re hopeful that the rest of our community will have full power soon. FPL crews were on-site throughout the afternoon.

Trash & Spoiled Food
At this point, any refrigerated food has spoiled. Please dispose of it as you usually would.

Reminder: Get Your Complimentary Takeout Dinner
Stop by the second floor of The Island garage between 5 and 6:30 p.m. for a complimentary takeout meal. Be sure to check on neighbors and offer to bring them a meal too!

Community Announcements

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Shell Point teams are actively tidying up after the storm and working to get things back in order as quickly as possible. Our main challenge right now is the power outage, which many across Florida are also facing. During times like these, the kindness of neighbors and the sense of community we share make all the difference. We know this is a difficult time, and we truly appreciate your patience and support. Here’s today’s update.

Power Outages
We know that Florida Power & Light is addressing the situation. Generators power the Larsen Medical Center, The Springs, Connected Living, King’s Crown, and The Arbor. A generator also powers the second floor of The Island parking garage. Outlets can be utilized at this site for charging and other essential power needs. Starting Saturday, October 12, our storm hotline will serve as a power outage information line for evacuated residents who can call (239) 339-2541 to check if power has been restored.

Plumbing is Operational
Although water pressure may be lower in higher-level units, plumbing is fully operational and can be used as usual.

With the exception of a couple buildings, life safety elevators in multi-story buildings (those with more than two floors) are operational and running on generator power. Teams are actively working on the elevators that are not yet in service.

Shelter Updates
Independent living residents sheltering on The Island, as well as residents from Connected Living, King’s Crown, and The Springs, returned home on Thursday. Arbor residents will return home today.

Wellness Checks Underway – Stay Hydrated
This morning, door-to-door wellness checks are underway. Even those living independently can struggle without electricity, particularly without air conditioning. Please stay hydrated!

Complimentary Takeout Meals
It’s our pleasure to offer complimentary takeout meals to Shell Point residents while we await the restoration of electricity. Residents can pick up meals from the second floor of The Island garage. Kindly check in on neighbors and offer to bring them a meal. We’re happy to provide extras for your delivery!

Takeout Meal Times
7:00 – 8:30 a.m.
12:00 – 1:30 p.m.
5:00 – 6:30 p.m.

The medical center is open today. The pharmacy is closed. FineMark Bank & Trust cannot open due to the power outage, but Anna Smith is available at the main FineMark branch. All other facilities, venues, restaurants, activities, and events will remain closed/canceled for today.

Post-Storm Assessment & Important News

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We are profoundly grateful for God’s protective hand in once again shielding Shell Point from the worst of a storm. His mercy has spared our community from significant harm. Additionally, we extend heartfelt thanks to the dedicated Shell Point team, whose selfless commitment led them to be away from their own families to ensure the safety and well-being of our residents during this storm. Their sacrifice and devotion are deeply appreciated.

Thank you so much for your patience as we assessed the community. Here is your post-storm update.

Minimal Storm Surge
By the grace of God, the forecasted storm surge did not occur. We estimate about five feet of surge at Shell Point. There is no water intrusion in any homes or facilities.

Power Outages
The community is presently without electricity and Florida Power & Light is actively addressing the situation. Generators are providing power to the Larsen Medical Center, The Springs, Connected Living, and King’s Crown. Arbor residents will remain at Larsen pending transfer. Independent living units are all without power and special needs residents will remain sheltering at Larsen. While The Island Shelter will be empty and unstaffed this evening, generators will still power the building. The shelter outlets are available for phone charging and other essential usage. If you have evacuated, we will send an update when power is restored.

Traveling Around Campus
Shell Point Boulevard and all other community roadways are clear of large debris. There are no large areas of standing water and you are assured access to your home.

Multi-story buildings (more than two floors) are equipped with a life safety elevator powered by a generator. Shell Point teams are actively working to get these elevators up and running.

As anticipated, water came over the docks, but we are pleased to report that there is no significant damage. Our teams have assessed the area, and everything remains secure

Shelter Updates
Island Shelter – Buses are on campus to transport residents home and are awaiting Lee County’s powering of four lift stations. Once this is completed, residents will return home. Those who struggle with ambulation will be assisted or carried up stairs if elevators are inoperable.

Larsen Shelter – Connected Living residents have already returned home. As soon as full facility assessments are completed at King’s Crown and The Springs, these residents will also return home. As noted above, Arbor residents will temporarily remain at Larsen.

Care During Power Outages
Even those living independently can struggle without electricity, particularly air conditioning. Beginning tomorrow, we will conduct door-to-door wellness checks until power returns. Please drink lots of water and be sure to eat.

The medical center will open Friday. The pharmacy will be closed today and Friday. All other facilities, venues, restaurants, activities, and events will remain closed/canceled for today.

Future Updates
We will keep you updated as new information becomes available.

Through the Storm

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Sheltering Residents are Safe
We are thankful to share that our sheltering residents have made it through the storm and are safe. After facing such a powerful and challenging hurricane, we offer our heartfelt prayers of gratitude for this news of their well-being and protection. Residents will remain in the shelters until a thorough community assessment is completed and it is confirmed that it is safe for them to return home.

Community Assessment
We are currently in the process of assessing the overall condition of our community and will provide a full update as soon as we have a complete understanding. For those who evacuated and are anxious for news about their home, we kindly ask for your patience as we evaluate the community, assess power outages, and ensure road access. This process will take some time, but we will share an update later today.

Thank you for your continued prayers, patience, and trust during this time. We remain committed to keeping you informed.

Shelter from The Storm

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Reports from the Shell Point shelters are hopeful this afternoon. Residents who evacuated to our shelters yesterday have settled in comfortably, having weathered the first night in good spirits. At The Island Shelter, residents are finding joy in simple comforts—hot coffee flowing all day, separate men’s and women’s port-o-lets (a welcomed improvement since Ian), and a hearty breakfast of scrambled eggs and bacon. Over at the Larsen Medical Center, those sheltering are enjoying a warm lunch while watching the storm pass.

The next phase of the storm may bring greater challenges, but each shelter is fully staffed with medical teams, Shell Point leadership, and additional team members dedicated to providing the support our residents need. We’ll share another update once the storm has passed.

We ask for God’s continued protection over our residents, our team, our community, and all who are in this storm’s path.

For Shell Point Family Members and Friends

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Our Highest Priority
Rest assured, the safety and well-being of our residents is our highest priority, and we are diligently managing all aspects of storm preparedness. As you may know, Shell Point is located in Zone A, which is currently under a mandatory evacuation order from Lee County. For residents who have chosen to stay on campus, we are providing relocation to one of two approved hurricane shelters located at Shell Point. We know how important it is to stay informed during this time, and we encourage you to visit this page for information. If you are not able to get to this page, the most recent updates are recorded to our storm information line at (239) 339-2541.

Next Update
Once the storm has passed, we will share a post and recording about how we have weathered the storm. This will be followed by an update about the overall condition of the community as soon as an assessment is complete. We know how much you care for your loved ones and understand the worry and concern you may feel. Your continued prayers are appreciated as we remain dedicated to the well-being of everyone in our community.

Be Prepared

While there are many preparations to make, Floridians know that during storm season, you should keep your gas tank at least ½ full, have prescriptions filled regularly, and stock a few days’ worth of water and non-perishable food. Flashlights should have fresh batteries, and battery-powered radios should be nearby. The 2024 Shell Point Hurricane Preparation Guide that was delivered to all residents will provide more helpful information.

Keep Loved Ones Informed

To alleviate worry, keep loved ones informed. Share your evacuation plans and whereabouts, and after the storm passes, let them know you are safe.

Click the “share” image to send this website to a loved one.

Note to Families: After a storm, Shell Point staff will be dedicated to meeting urgent resident needs and may have limited connectivity. This webpage will share all the information we have available.

Helpful Resources

Local News
Before, during, and after a hurricane, the best way to get Southwest Florida news is by visiting our local TV stations’ websites at the links below.
Fox 4

Hurricane Tracking
For tracking hurricanes, trust information provided by the sites below.
National Hurricane Center
National Weather Service

Pet-Friendly Hotels

Shell Point Hurricane Hotline
In the event that internet access is not available, the updates listed here will also be recorded at
(239) 339-2541